Mike Cowie

Apr 30, 20211 min

2021 04 30

Good morning on this chilly morning.

The answer to the question "What is my view of God?" will determine how we face life's challenges. Our view of God is shaped by the relationship we have with Him and by walking with Him daily.

We can draw from the example of David's encounter with Goliath (1 Samuel 17).

David declared victory over Goliath before the battle even began (1 Samuel 17:46). His confidence came from:

  • Spending hours alone in the wilderness, listening to God’s voice. So he knew how to discern what the Lord was telling him to do. David's practical habits strengthened his faith.

  • David recalled how faithful God had always been. He remembered times in the past when the Lord protected and strengthened him, such as moments when a lion or bear threatened his flock (1 Samuel 17:37).

  • David knew he had full access to his Father’s storehouses of power, courage, and wisdom. He had strong convictions about the Lord and what He could do.

As we develop a strong healthy relationship with the Father, our view of Him will enable us to face every day with confidence.

God bless you today.

Mike and Daphne
