Good morning.
We trust that you are ready to worship the Lord today. Getting ready for our church meeting this morning, I (Mike) was reminded of the account of Peter and John going to the temple at the time of prayer. (Acts 3:1)
No doubt that after spending the last 3 years with Jesus they were accustomed to going to the temple at set times. So that day was not out of the ordinary. Little did the 2 of them know what was about to go down.
Could it be, that going to join with fellow followers of Christ, whether out of habit or intentionally, you could be about to witness God doing a miracle. What if God were to use you in a miraculous way at church today?
Whether He does or doesn't, David puts it like this; "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."
(Psalms 84:10)
We are looking forward to joining with fellow believers today to worship our amazing God.
Mike and Daphne