Good morning.
“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.”
(1 Corinthians 13:7)
If you’ve been to a wedding, the chances are you’ve heard this verse. Because of the familiarity, we can often miss the power of what Paul is writing. So let’s take a moment and look at these four things that love does.
• Love bears all things. Loving relationships often have to carry a lot of weight and involves bearing with each other, carrying the weight of life and being a safe place for another person to unload their burdens.
• Love believes all things. This doesn’t mean conspiracy theories. It means believing the best in another person. Being slow to take offense is a sign of love.
• Love hopes all things. Often love involves waiting, and the key to waiting well is hope. Hope helps us wait because it gives us belief that the wait will be worthwhile.
• Love endures all things. Life is tricky. Sometimes things don’t go the way we want them to, and one of God’s greatest gifts to us, when we go through suffering, is to provide loving relationships around us; people who will endure things alongside us.
In our relationships, romantic or otherwise, we have the opportunity to demonstrate our love through these four actions.
Let's go for it.
Mike and Daphne