The circumstances, situations, and “to-do’s” of life can be so easy to get caught up in.
For me, Mike, I need to stop and ask myself, “What do I want right now? Am I running around and doing all of these things because I’m afraid if I don’t, I won’t be fulfilled and Jesus won’t be pleased with me?”
That’s where Martha was. Her intentions were for the good of those around her, but the attention of her heart was still missing the one thing that really mattered and that was living from a place of rest in her relationship with God like her sister, Mary.
Jesus speaks gently to her. He could have rebuked her for her attitude, but He was gracious. He was kind. And remember, it’s the kindness of God that leads us to repentance as Paul reminds us in Romans 2:4 "that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?"
Today, ask “What do I want?” Because there is nothing else that can satisfy, uplift, encourage, and strengthen us like Jesus. As we direct our hearts towards everything He is, we will experience His joy and freedom in amazing ways.
Have a really good start to the week.
Mike and Daphne