Good morning.
When opportunities come our way —opportunities to listen, to care, to encourage, to serve, to give, to tell others about our faith—we often use a tactic called “too busy, right now.” We may say the words out loud, or we may say them to ourselves and just keep moving. We then kid ourselves by using a second tactic, one called “make up for it later.” Really? Like we will jump at the next opportunity.
God knows we’re busy. He sees how busy we are, right now. And he still presents us with these opportunities. These opportunities don’t come by chance. God places them carefully in front of us. He knows we’re busy but he knows what he’s doing.
He knew what he was doing when he called Simon and Andrew, when the brothers were busy fishing (Mark 1:16-18). He knew what he was doing when he called James and John, when those brothers were busy mending nets (Mark 1:19-20). He knew what he was doing when he called Levi, when Levi was busy collecting taxes (Mark 2:14).
He knows what he’s doing when he calls us as well, even when we’re busy.
Let's commit to making the most of the opportunities given to us.
Mike and Daphne