Good morning.
The story of Christ's birth brings out the significance of being available to God's call.
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her." (Luke 1:38)
Unassuming but powerful words. Through such simple words of obedience, the Lord carried out His plans for the birth of the Son of the Most High, Immanuel, God with us.
“Here I am”—three simple words. Abraham, Moses, and Samuel all answered the Lord with these words when He called on them. These are not only words of availability, but also of obedience.
Because they were in relationship with the Father, they could recognize His voice. Because they knew and trusted Him, had disciplined themselves to be obedient and available, they were able to say, “Here I am.”
As a result of our relationship with Him we are able to cultivate listening to His voice, being ready for His call, so that when the Lord invites us to join Him in bringing about His plans, we are able to say, “Here I am.”
Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Mike and Daphne