Good morning.
Grace Covenant Church had wonderful input through Danie Grobelaar this past weekend. As we heard, when it comes to moving home we discover that we are collectors and need to get rid of a whole lot of "stuff".
This applies to us in our spiritual walk. We need to declutter/empty ourselves in order for God to fill us.
No matter what we are facing we must remember that "the joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)
Notwithstanding the fact that we have the joy of the Lord, we leak and lose this joy. When we disconnect or let our relationship with God slip, we lose our joy.
But all is not lost. David the psalmist puts it this way. "Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." (Psalm 51:11-12) There is power in the joy of the Lord.
Paul writing to the church in Ephesus tells us what our part in all this is. "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5:18, 20)
As we go into this new week, let's do so with the joy of the Lord and a heart filled with thanksgiving.
Mike and Daphne
Thank you Mike and Daphne for your daily word of inspiration. Be blessed.