Good morning.
“How much is enough?” a reporter once asked John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil and the first American billionaire. “Just a little bit more,” Rockefeller said. While few of us have the resources of the super wealthy, we face the same question. Our world is obsessed with getting more, spending more, doing more.
David understood that God was his provider. “I will not be in need,” he wrote in verse 1 of Psalm 23. In other words, because he belonged to the Lord, he was able to experience a life without lack.
We can think about this in two ways. First, we can expect God to give us everything we think we need. And when we don’t get it, we look for someone—or Someone—to blame. Or, as Jesus and His followers laid out, there’s a second and better approach i.e. gratefully receive what God has provided and allow Him to change our heart. In that way, even our needs are governed by our submission to Him.
Reading the first verse of Psalm 23 reminds us of John 10:11, where Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” The transforming truth of the gospel is that we have more than enough because Jesus gave us Himself.
The longer we follow Jesus, the more we discover that He is all we truly need.
Mike and Daphne