Thu, 26 Mar
Financial Peace University Lesson 5 of 6
What if you were following a plan for your money that you KNEW worked? With Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, you CAN take control of your money, get out of debt, and create a plan for your future.
Time & Location
26 Mar 2020, 19:00 – 21:00
Grace Cov Church MAIN AUDITORIUM, 145 Glover Ave, Die Hoewes, Centurion, 0163, South Africa
About the Event
We are here for you! Acts 8:1 tells us of a crises that the early church faced and the fruit that came from it. The church spread all over the world, people were saved - all by christians who responded in Faith and made DIY part of their lifestyle! Jesus has made us part of a wonderful community at Grace Cov, and we want to keep each other strong as we navigate the next weeks. So we’ll give you as many options to stay connected as possible. We have implemented strict hygiene protocol and the safety is very important to us. Please stay at home if you are sick or are in contact with anyone who is sick. Let us know so we can care for you.
Need to contact us urgently?Church Office (012) 644 2110Craig 083 630 7239 (Lead Elder)Wawa 073 011 9507 (Elder)Lily 074 648 4702 (Administrator)
SUNDAY GATHERINGS ARE STILL ON We are keeping our gatherings under 100 people and are strictly adhering to this number. Our meetings will look a little different than usual so please read below carefully:
- Prebook your seat using our website. Remember to book a seat for every member of your family and not just the adults!
- Meetings will be a little shorter during this time and for health reasons we will not be having our coffee and rusk times in between the meetings.
- For the safety of our children there will be no childcare provided however we are introducing a STORYTIME into our meetings so that we can cater for families.
- Please keep your child seated next to you and bring your own quiet toys and activities to keep them busy. I'm sure they would love it if you packed snack and drink for them!
- Regrettably during this time the playground will be closed and the Mom's room is reserved for moms with babies and toddlers.
- If you are sick please do not come to the on site meetings, rather join us online.
CHURCH AT HOME - ONLINE STREAMING We will be live streaming our meetings. Please be patient with us, we're all learning and are endeavouring to upskill as quickly as possible! Should we have some gremlins, we'll switch to a pre-recorded message so that you don't miss out. We'll also have a playlist available on our social media so that you can worship wherever you are.
We have a podcast with all our latest sermons. To download simply search Grace Cov Church on your favourite platform or go to our website to listen to all our sermons. Our latest series DIY DISCIPLES is especially relevant during this time.
We have life groups meeting in homes across the city. If you're more comfortable in a smaller setting get in touch and we'll direct you to a home that is in your area or look online on our website. Financial Peace University continues (unless notified) for the next 2 weeks on Thursday nights.
ILLUMINATE YOUTH We are meeting ONLINE! Encourage your teen to join this community. There are online chats, online meetups, encouragement and even competitions! WhatsApp Connor Eksteen 074 384 2060 with your name and age to join our WhatsApp Illuminate group.
We're open! A free legal clinic offered to everyone in our city on the first Saturday of every month. Simply book your appointment online and we'll be in touch with how we meet either in person or online.
We gather together on the first Wednesday night of every month. This month (unless notified) we will meet in the auditorium to pray and stand together. This will also be streamed live and we are exploring other online platforms so that even if we can't pray together in body we definately can in spirit!
- The highest standards of hygiene have been observed.
- Please stay home if you are sick both for your sake as well as ours.
- Numbers will be limited AT ALL TIMES to under 100 people (adults and children).
- Hand sanitiser will available and must be used at every entry point.
- Chairs are set up with safe space in between each chair as well as each chair being sanitised before and after each meeting.
- Bathrooms and door handles are sanitised before and after each meeting.
- All our servers are provided with gloves and will be practising safety practices.
- No refreshments will be served. Feel free to bring a snack and drink for your children.
- The playground will be closed. All toys will be packed away.
Some people are choosing to social distance during this uncertain time and we do want to honour that and make it clear that everyone must feel comfortable to make their own choices. If you are staying home, keep in touch! Community is not just about seeing people in body so reach out, encourage and be encouraged. WHAT IF SOMETHING CHANGES, HOW WILL I KNOW? As a church community we are standing in solidarity with President Ramaphosa and the World Health Organisation guidelines. We are being careful and prayerful and will continue to monitor the Corona situation very carefully, if anything changes we'll let you know immediately via email. The email will come from Grace Cov Church and should you not wish to receive correspondence from us, you can simply unsubscribe.
Community and community! Be encouraged and encourage. Here are a few ideas even if you are quarantined at home.
- Be the church! Amidst the darkness, we are called to be the light.
- Slow down. Talk to God. Ask for His perspective.
- Read your bible. Ponder on God's Word. Let it be your guide.
- Download the Youversion App, it has excellent reading plans for children, teens and adults.
- Choose to speak hope into this situation. Don’t buy into the frenzy.
- Pray for someone. Text someone. Call someone.
- Pray for God to bring people to mind. Text or call them and ask how they are.
- Reach out to your neighbours and spread the love that Jesus has for them!
- Reach out to a health care worker and tell them you are praying for them.
- Show gratitude to all around you. Thank the people working in shops, deliveries, health care workers.
- If you are able help those who are quarantined with shopping or by suggesting good sources for online deliveries.
- Teach your children to focus on God.
- Break bread together with your family.
- Join a WAR ROOM. We are putting together groups both online and at our venue to pray together and to reach out to the Grace Cov community. More details are on our website and all will be advertised on our events page.
- Download the app and join ZOOM, Google Hangouts so that you can join in on online chats and communities.
- Subscribe to the Grace Cov website so that we can send you email updates. You can unsubscribe at any time.
- Like the Grace Cov Facebook and Instagram pages, we'll keep these updated and current.
- Like and share posts and invite friends to online events.
- Make sure that our office has your updated details so that we can care for you effectively. Not sure if we have your most recent phone number or email address? We have provided an easy link on our website or email hello@gracecov.co.za