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2022 12 17

Good morning.

When we face challenges in life, we're told to be brave. It sounds romantic, but it’s not always possible. Being brave puts the responsibility on us; leaving it to us to stir up the courage from some deep reserve.

Sometimes we just don’t have the bravery we need for certain situations, and our fear ends up crippling us. Rather than trying to live unafraid, what we really need to do is live fearlessly.

Being fearless does not mean living with the absence of fear; it means moving forward in spite of our fear. It means walking in obedience to God, even when we’re terrified of what it could cost us. Just like Mary.

Mary said yes to God, even when it threatened to cost her everything. Her situation required incredible fearlessness. Although she was probably terrified, her faith overrode her fear.

We can acknowledge fear without letting it consume us. We can do this by saying yes to God and stepping into the plans He has for us.

There are 365 Bible verses in the Bible about not being afraid – one for each day of the year. Let’s remember that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

Have a good weekend.


Mike and Daphne

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