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2023 05 25

Good morning.

"As the world becomes increasingly indifferent to Christ & even hostile to him & his disciples, this is no time to become lukewarm following him." (Terry Virgo)

Hebrews 13:6 says: “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” Armed with this assurance, we should have the confidence for our lives to unequivocally declare that we are followers Christ.

This does not mean that we become confrontational. Rather, as Terry Virgo has said, "It’s time to enjoy him more, experience his love, believe his promises, take steps of faith, seek first the kingdom. Be a Christian!"

Being a follower of Christ is not defined by how well we follow a prescribed set of behavioural rules and regulations. Being a follower of Christ does not take the joy out of life.

As followers of Christ our lives should cause those we rub shoulders with to ask how come you have so much joy in your life despite the tough times we're living in?

We are thankful that we have Christ as our helper. With Christ, we are overcomers. How about you? What are you thankful for today?

Let's thrive on being a follower of Christ.


Mike and Daphne

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