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2023 06 22

Good morning.

Most of us, from time to time, would like some time to re-energize and refresh ourselves. There always seems to be something that we get involved in. We run this way then that way; school activities, church activities, dropping children off, fetching children, going to work, shopping, household chores - laundry, ironing, cleaning, cooking, doing the dishes. "Stop the bus. I want to get off!"

David, the psalmist, found the answer. He wrote: "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul." (Psalm 23:1‭-‬3) Spending time, alone, with the Lord, sitting in His presence, relaxing with Him, brings refreshing.

David also wrote: "The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul." (Psalm 19:7) Spending time in the Word also brings refreshing.

The words of the song by Marty Nystrom sums it up.

"Times of refreshing

Here in Your presence

No greater blessing

Than being with You

My soul is restored

My mind is renewed

There's no greater joy Lord

Than being with You"

Make time today to be refreshed by Him.


Mike and Daphne

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