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2023 09 01

Good morning.

No one likes to be in need. The Lord uses various instruments to meet needs. He alone, however, is the source of everything. Every financial need is an opportunity to learn to walk by faith in the Lord, trusting Him to be our source.

Prosperity can lead to a sense of independence that blinds us to how inadequate we actually are to provide for ourselves. In reality we are totally dependent upon the Father whether we know it or not.

We may not see the Lord perform a supernatural work in our finances. However, His Word tells us, “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus ” (Philippians 4:19)

The question is - are we focusing on the instrument or the source of our provision? The means God uses may change, but His faithfulness endures forever.

Trust Him and live in the adventure and security of a life of faith.


Mike and Daphne

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