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2023 12 28

Good morning.

"Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth." (Proverbs 10:4) This proverb is about more than material wealth; it speaks to the richness of a diligent life. As a bountiful harvest results from industrious labour, so our life is shaped by our habits, the choices we make day after day.

Through prayer and obedience, we align ourselves with God’s plans instead of our own. This is how we cultivate habits grounded in His Word. This kind of diligence goes hand in hand with stewardship of our time, talents, relationships, and resources. Wisely using these for God’s glory will bring a good return for His kingdom.

As we approach 2024, let’s prayerfully evaluate our habits. Are we using our time purposefully? Are we nurturing relationships that honour God? Are we faithful stewards of our resources?

Let us resolve to seek God’s guidance and make intentional choices that align with His will as we prepare for 2024.


Mike and Daphne

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