Good morning.
Jesus’ time in the wilderness took him away from the distractions of life so he could focus solely on communing with the Father.
There was no music playing, no disciples asking questions, no one texting him; no FaceTime, or TikTok. For forty days. Can you imagine?
Silence is a discipline; it doesn’t just happen naturally. But when we choose silence and make room for it in our lives, we enter into communion with God.
Satan hates nothing more than for us to commune with God because he recognizes (probably even more than we do) the power of soaking in God’s healing presence. He comes loud and proud with distractions and temptations.
Silence can be a time of communing with God, but it can also be empty space for pity parties and negative self-talk. This is exactly why we must take every thought captive, as Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 10:5: "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
Silence is a precious gift from God. Practicing the discipline of silence ushers us into his presence, where we find the peace and restoration our souls desperately need.
Take time as we head into the weekend to spend time in silence communing with God.
Mike and Daphne