Good morning to you.
What weekend at GraceCov! The ordination of an additional elder, good deposit from guys on the NCMI translocal team and amazing worship at both our Sunday meetings. The cherry on top was folk responding to the Word.
One of the challenges for me (Mike) is not putting anything before God, even service within His Kingdom. It is so easy to fall into this trap.
Jesus asks Peter 3 times, as He commissions Peter, "Do you love me?" This emphasises that Peter's love for Jesus is paramount. The significance is to love God first then serve. Loving God is more important than exercising my gift. Service must flow as a result if our love for God. The gift should flow as a result of our love for Him.
"..........., do you love me more than these?" (Put your name in the space.)
Have a good day.
Mike and Daphne