Good morning.
Change is in the air.
Flowers are blooming. Gardens are becoming colourful. Leaves are sprouting. What looked dead a few short weeks ago is showing signs of new life and growth.
The building expansion at GraceCov is moving ahead. The new ablution block is taking shape. Our auditorium is taking on a new look. Room is being made for growth.
The lockdown regulations, regulating public gatherings, have changed. We are now allowed more than double the number of attendees than a week ago. There is space for you.
God is on the move.
"See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”
(Isaiah 42:9)
We get excited about being involved with what God is doing. He is taking us into a new season. Hop on board.
Have a sparkling weekend.
Mike and Daphne