Good morning.
Life has become so busy. Our days are filled with business. We can hardly wait for bedtime when we flop into bed, exhausted.
This is not a 21st century syndrome. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
(Matthew 11:28)
Rest is so important, but for rest to have the desired effect, the source of our rest is key. Refreshing rest is more than inactivity (the absence of business). For us as followers of Christ, it is important that we find our rest, our refreshing, in Him.
It has been said that if our output exceeds our input than our upkeep will be our downfall! We need to ensure regular personal input from Him through the Word and prayer. If we don't, we will become drained. We will find that like a motor vehicle, we can't run on empty.
With the weekend upon us, make time in the business of life to find rest in Him.
Have a good weekend.
Mike and Daphne