Good morning.
Sometimes, we become so focused on how we think things should be, that we fail to recognize or appreciate the incredible blessing of what is.
Israel had a very specific idea of how the Messiah would come. They were so focused on Christ coming as a warrior to rescue them that many didn’t recognize their long-awaited Saviour when he actually arrived. His idea of what was most important was to pay for our sins and save us through his grace.
The 2nd coming of Christ, when every knee will bow, is yet to happen. It will happen in his perfect timing, as part of his perfect plan. For now, let’s surrender our plans to him and recognize the blessings he places in front of us.
Maybe that crooked Christmas tree is decorated with ornaments that tell a story of your family. And those faces around your table? Don't allow them to be overlooked and overshadowed because your attention is focused elsewhere.
In the coming days, try to be aware of any preconceived ideas you bring to Christmas.
Relinquishing these ideas and be open to what God might want you to see.
Our prayer for you is found in Ephesians 1:18, "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people"
Mike and Daphne