Good morning.
Looking back on life we see that God has showered us with His goodness.
When we sit and reflect on Christ we see the goodness of God in every fact of His life.
• He healed all those who were ill that were brought to Him - Matthew 4:24
• He honoured the Centurion's faith - Luke 7:1-10
• He chose to use ordinary people to take the gospel to the world - Matthew 4:18-22
• He provided food for the crowd - Mark 6:30-44
• He was moved by compassion to the point of Weeping - John 11:34-35
• He died in our stead - John3:16
Notwithstanding that we probably will not die in the stead of someone else, we, as followers of Christ, are called to reflect His goodness to the world around us.
The fruit of the Spirit includes goodness. In a world of "me first" goodness does not necessarily come naturally. Peter writes "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness;" (2 Peter 1:5) Goodness is an intentional act on our part.
As we go about our daily activites, let us look for opportunities to demonstrate goodness.
Mike and Daphne