2022 02 20
Good morning.
Isn't it great to arrive at church on Sunday and find that everything is ready. The seating us arranged, tea, coffee and rusks are ready to be served after the service. The children are taken care of in children's ministry All you need to do is come into His presence with thanksgiving in your heart and give Him praise and bow before Him in worship.
None of this happens by chance. It's like God says, "I've got this!" And truly He has. He has given His church girts by His Spirit. These gifts demonstrate His love. Paul says if your gift is serving, then step up to the plate and serve and if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. (Romans 12:7-8)
Service is the ability to recognize unmet needs in the church family, and to take the initiative to provide practical assistance quickly, cheerfully, and without a need for recognition. You may just want to help.
At GraceCov there are plenty of opportunities to serve, - audio/visual, baking, children's ministry, creative design/decor, greeter, refreshment set up team, youth, visitation, musos/worship etc.
Remember, if you're in a ministry where it is not working out (you're under stress - not enjoying it), it doesn't mean you're the wrong person - it means it is the wrong job!
"There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work." (1 Corinthians 12:6)
Today could be your opportunity to apply your gift of service.
Have a great day worshipping God as you serve.
Mike and Daphne