Good morning.
Paul reminds us that we are all part of the body of Christ and that each one of is significant and has a part to play. He also tells us to "eagerly desire the greater gifts."
(1 Corinthians 12:31)
It is important to understand that as we go through a course such as "Gifted", we are actually on a quest to to identify the gifts of the Spirit more than finding out what gift(s) we individually have.
The 7 grace gifts we are looking at in Romans 12:6-8 tell us more about God than what "I" have.
• Prophecy: God still speaks to us today to build up, cheer up and lift up
• Service: God's practical assistance in meeting needs cheerfully showing His love
• Teaching: God building up His Body for ministry
• Encouragement: God’s care and His desire to lift us up
• Generous giving: God’s on-going provision
• Leading: God guiding and overseeing the activities of His Body
• Mercy: God demonstrating compassion
Is this not more than enough reason to thank and praise God?
Have a blessed day as we contemplate the goodness of our awesome, loving Father.
Mike and Daphne