Good morning.
Many folk spend a lifetime striving for success. The reason it takes a lifetime is that the goal posts constantly move.
Some define success as "possessions". The problem with this is that enough is never attained.
For some, being at every church meeting is what determines whether they are a successful church member.
The list defining success goes on and on - good job, education, popularity, circle of friends, wealth etc. etc.
Perhaps "significance" is what we should be looking for, rather than success.
As followers of Christ our significance is found in Christ. One day when we stand before the Father, He will look at us and see, not what we define as success, but who we are in Christ.
"That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers." (Psalm 1:3)
Have a wonderful day enjoying your significance in Christ.
Mike and Daphne