Good morning.
I (Mike) have been sitting wondering what I can write on this cold winters morning. In a way that is rather strange. After all, "the earth is filled with your love, Lord. " (Psalms 119:64) I am reminded of Paul's words: “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”
(1 Corinthians 10:26)
The beauty of God's creation reflects His majesty. When we take time to sit in His presence and focus on Him we too will sing:
"When I look into Your holiness
When I gaze into Your loveliness
When all things that surround become shadows
In the light of You
When I've found the joy of reaching Your heart
When my will becomes enthroned in Your love
When all things that surround become shadows
In the light of You
I worship You
I worship You
The reason I live is to worship You"
Let us take time to wrap up warm and sit with Him today and simply enjoy His love.
Mike and Daphne