Good morning.
The past is a great place to learn from, but it’s a terrible place to live. Rehashing the past is like trying to change something that has happened.
The devil will try all sorts of things to pull us down. He wants us to live in the past sothat we will lose what God has planned for us.
One of the devil's tactics involves making us feel guilty. Guilt is felt in the heart, held in the body, and replayed in the mind. Guilt is silent suffering from mistakes we made in our past. Guilt is a self-conscious emotion committed to rehashing past experiences that we had and which hold us back from realizing all that God has for us - His forgiveness, His embrace, His love and His peace.
Shame is another way we rehash the past. Shame spells “Self Hatred At My Expense". Shame can come from something we’ve done or something done to us, something we’ve said or something that has been said to us.
Shame has one simple goal - to get us to believe we are unworthy of God's love, healing and forgiveness.
Isaiah has good news for us. “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord . “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." (Isaiah 1:18)
As we lean into God we experience His presence and peace, daily.
Mike and Daphne