There are times when the Christian life can feel very lonely, especially for those who live and work in non-Christian places.
Whenever I (Mike) begin to feel discouraged or isolated, I think of my friend Paul. He knew and undetstood the importance of Christian fellowship and friendship..
Paul’s ministry was not a one-man show. He surrounded himself with people who worked with, encouraged, and supported him. We read of him consistently showing gratitude to God for providing him with friends like Silas Timothy, Epaphroditus, and Titus.Timothy, in particular, was a continual source of joy and thanksgiving for Paul.
Seeing Paul's relationship with these friends, reinforces the significance and importance of having a group of friends who are there for each other through thick and thin; those who cause us to be filled with gratitude and thanksgiving towards God for them.
The result of these special friendships, is that we too, like Paul, will say, "I thank God ... as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers." (2 Timothy 1:3)
Mike and Daphne