Good morning.
We're 75% of the way through 2022. How's it gone as far as your new year's resolution(s) for 2022? Have you done what you resolved to do?
I (Mike) would guess that sticking to your resolutions has not gone all that well. Why? Behavior modification doesn’t work, because the focus is only on modifying behavior. You don’t get to the root of the problem, which is the thought that produces the behavior.
To remove a tree, it does not help to merely cut off a branch. You have to get to the roots of the tree. If you don’t remove the root system when you cut down the tree, it could still grow back.
In the same way we need to deal with the root of our behaviour. If we merely stop a behavior, it will come back, unless we remove the lie at the root of the behavior, and replace the thought pathway that leads to the behaviour.
Where will we get these new thoughts? Hint: we won’t get them from scrolling through social media posts, listening to our favorite playlist, or phoning a friend for their opinion.
To stop the lies and replace them with truth, we need to look to God’s Word. That's what Jesus did when tempted. He followed that path, leading Him to obedience and freedom. And that’s what we need to do - have our minds renewed through God's Word.
"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalms 119:105)
Mike and Daphne