Good morning.
When life catches us by surprise and we wonder if God is still with us, we need to remember that we have a Father who will meet us where we are; wherever we are.
Doubting Thomas said, "If I don't see the mark of the nails in his hands, put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe." I, Mike, wonder how he felt when Jesus came to him and told him to do just that.
Have you ever felt ashamed of your doubt? Or felt like you should have known better than to make a mistake that still haunts you? When we are struggling, worried, or frustrated about our circumstances, we can tell God without fear of being judged, rejected, or abandoned.
Thankfully, we have a Savior who doesn’t judge us for our doubts or mistakes. He hears us and is willing to show us He is near at all times.
No matter what we experience or how far we stray, He will leave the ninety-nine and meet us right where we are.
Have a wonderful day secure in the knowledge that He cares about you in all circumstances, wherever you are.
Mike and Daphne