Good morning.
Most of us at sometime or other have had feelings of inadequacy. We've struggled with feeling left out, overlooked, and unwanted. "Why wasn't I invited?" "Why was I left out?" "Why wasn't I good enough?"
We have good news for you today. You were hand picked by God. He says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart ...” (Jeremiah 1:5)
Before we were formed in the womb, God knew us. Before conception... God knew us. God set us apart before we were born. In other words, there was purpose on our identity before we were conceived. How incredible is that?
Yet despite the truth of this miraculous wonder, many of us are born originals but spend our lives as duplicates because of toxic comparison. We feel inadequate because we are not perfect.
But here's the thing; perfection isn't in the eye of the beholder; perfection is in the eye of the Creator. God had designed us perfectly for the purpose he had for us. Even our flaws and imperfections serve a purpose in God's hands. And this is why dealing with comparison requires learning to see our deficiencies as intentional gifts from God.
When we fall into the trap of comparison and feel inadequate ask the question, "Does it matter?" Remind yourself of what David says in Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made ..."
Mike and Daphne