Often people allow the choices they make to define how they see themselves and put a label on themselves.
Because of God’s love, we are remade and are no longer labeled by our past mistakes. With God, we can find our true identity. We have seen folk move from lives of sorrow to lives of joy when they opened their hearts to receive His love and forgiveness.
By looking to God and to what scripture has to say, we find that God’s love is enormous and that we can find your identity in him and not in our mistakes.
God created us and has a plan for us. We need to understand that God sees us, He sees you, as his beloved child. And, when we allow God to erase the labels we carry from our past, we will begin to see ourselves as he sees us: without blame.
Today as we join with fellow followers of Christ to worship God, let's do so with a thankful heart.
"Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
Give thanks."
(Don Moen)
Have a blessed day thanking and worshipping God.
Mike and Daphne