Good morning.
"These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
(1 Peter 1:7)
Peter says that through the trials we face, the genuineness of our faith is revealed. God frequently asks for our trust through difficult, uncomfortable, and seemingly impossible circumstances.
How often do we respond like Mary? She makes it seem so easy. The angel Gabriel tells her that she’ll give birth to the Son of God, and she responds with immediate surrender to her role in God’s plan. She had no assurance of a comfortable outcome. A virgin engaged to be married, she likely knew how difficult giving birth to and raising Jesus would be. The only assurance Mary received was God’s Word, and it was enough for her to say “yes.”
We need to ask ourselves what challenging task has God placed on our heart? Whether it’s mending a broken relationship or stepping out in faith to walk in the purpose He’s given each of us, take heart in knowing that on the other side of our “yes” to God is an outcome greater than we can imagine.
We thank God for the example He has given us in Mary.
Have a lovely day.
Mike and Daphne