Good morning.
When was the last time you soaked in a hot bath? Hot water healing is nothing new. As early as 2,000 B.C., Egyptians used hot baths to ease pain. The word “spa” comes from the Latin term “sanus per aquam” - meaning “health through water.”
While soaking is good for the body, it’s equally good for the soul. Like a bubble bath for the weary heart, soaking in silence is a time of saturating yourself in the presence of God.
What does soaking in silence look like? It’s hard, but simple. It’s a time of sitting quietly, clearing your mind, and focusing your attention on being silent. It is a time with few words or noise. Wait and see what God brings to mind as you soak in His presence and remember, “let your words be few.”
Soaking in silence is meant to be a time for resting in the presence of God. No words are necessary. As thoughts come to you, write them down and come back to them when you’re done soaking.
Since Sunday is set aside as "the Lord’s day", it is a good day to make time to sit quietly and soak in His presence.
Have a peaceful day.
Mike and Daphne