Good morning.
As we head towards the end of 2022, we need to practice what Paul says in Philippians 4:4 - "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"
We can immerse ourselves in the gladness and gratitude that comes from recognizing the immensity and indescribable nature of God's grace. We must be aware of this grace at all times.
Once we recognize what God's grace means for our life and destiny, how can we not rejoice and give thanks in everything? How can we not live with a permanent attitude of gratitude?
This does not mean being happy about every circumstance, nor does it mean that we can't experience grief, pain, or sorrow. Happiness is circumstantial, whereas joy is a lifestyle, it is an attitude, a way of approaching the world based on the understanding of who Christ is and who you are in Christ.
So, today, tomorrow, and every day until God calls us home or the Lord Jesus returns, rejoice and be glad!
Mike and Daphne