Good morning.
God's love for us is not dependent on anything we do or don’t do. God doesn’t just love us, He also enjoys us. He takes pleasure in us. He is delighted with us. (Zephaniah 3:17)
This love of God, the pleasure-taking, delighting, rejoicing love of God for us, is extravagant.
Isaiah 62:4 describes God’s delight and rejoicing over His people in the same way a bridegroom rejoices over his bride: “My delight is in her”
In ancient times, if the host kept refilling the guest’s cup, it showed that the guest was invited to stay longer. When the host would allow the cup to empty, it was a way of saying it was time for the guest to leave.
When the psalmist says, “My cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5), he is saying that God wanted to be with him. The Lord didn’t want him to leave but wanted to spend time with him. This is true for us as well. He wants to spend time with us.
The great thing about this is that in His presence there us fulness of joy.
As we head into the 2nd month of 2023, remember that God loves us so much that He wants to spend eternity with us.
Have a good day revelling in God's s love.
Mike and Daphne