Good morning.
Luke records in Luke 5 that, after a long night's fishing which yielded no catch, on Christ's say so, Peter let down his nets once more. As a result, he discovered that he needed partnerships to accomplish what Christ told him to do. It may well be that he caught a glimpse of his future ministry.
Nehemiah, too, knew that he needed the help of others (the king, governers, the cavalry, those living in Jerusalem, priests, nobles and others) to fulfill his vision.
Most people will not be called to start a totally new ministry. We may well be required to hold up the arms of someone who is leading, as was the case with Aaron and Hur with Moses. (Exodus 17:11-12)
Partnerships are essential in all areas of our lives - in our families, at work, at varsity, etc. When we work together as a team things begin to happen. As the saying goes: "Teamwork makes the dream work."
• Together
• Everyone
• Achieves
• More
Resolve to form strategic partnerships. The plan works when we work together.
Mike and Daphne