Good morning.
I (Mike) took a book off if my bookshelf yesterday. The title is: "A Life Of Miracles". It is a compilation of 365 excerpts from the writings of Bill Johnson. As I flipped through some of the pages, some of the phrases really struck a chord with me.
"Jesus became the model for all who would embrace the invitation to embrace the impossible in His name." The Bible instructs us to turn our attention towards the invisible. "For we live by faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7) Faith has its anchor in the unseen realm. It lives from the invisible towards the visible.
Imagine a situation where it is said, "They created far too great a miracle opportunity for God not to do something extraordinary."
One of South Africa's top five banks has a slogan - "It can be!" This slogan could well have been written for the followers of Christ.
Imagine what could happen if we invited all those we know that need of a healing miracle to our church service. Imagine what could happen if we made room for God to move. Imagine what could be if we got over our hesitancy.
Many of us have thought that the ability to see into the spiritual realm is more the result of a special gift than the unused potential of every follower of Christ. Jesus expects His followers to see from the heart. Faith provides eyes for the heart.
Let's make the most of every opportunity to create a miracle opportunity for God to do something extraordinary.
Mike and Daphne