Good morning.
"For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate." (Luke 15:24)
The one is important enough for celebration. Each time someone comes to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord, there is celebration in heaven.
One of the things we can learn from American football is the importance of celebration. After every gain they make, they huddle and celebrate.
I (Mike) suspect that the reason we don't frequently celebrate is because we don't see the gains we are making. We are so busy looking ahead that we do nor recognize what we have. The question is are we grateful for what we have? Do we see what we have?
I'm reminded of the account of Samuel going to Jesse to anoint his son as God's chosen one. Jesse brought his sons, one by one, but he had to be reminded that he had another son. Jesse did not realize that he had the future king in his family.
What/who do we have? Let us not be like Jesse. See who we have and work with them, celebrate them and every gain they make.
Have a great weekend celebrating what you have.
Mike and Daphne