Good morning.
Do you ever feel like you are insignificant in the life of your church, like others can do it better than you? So you hang back from getting involved?
1 Chronicles 4:23 says: "They were the potters who lived at Netaim and Gederah; they stayed there and worked for the king."
Charkes Spurgeon in one of His daily devotional writings has this to say about the people mentioned in this verse. "Potters were not the very highest grade of workers, but “the king” needed potters, and therefore they were in royal service, although the material upon which they worked was nothing but clay. We, too, may be engaged in the most menial part of the Lord’s work, but it is a great privilege to do anything for “the king”.
Our calling, our place of service, is not in our hands. Rather it is ordained by "The King". We are to willingly step up to the plate, serve the Lord and be a blessing to those around us.
Spurgeon reminds us: "Ye unknown workers who are occupied for your Lord amid the dirt and wretchedness of the lowest of the low, be of good cheer, for jewels have been found upon dunghills ere now, earthen pots have been filled with heavenly treasure ... It is when we are in his work that we may reckon upon his smile."
Enjoy your weekend.
Mike and Daphne