Good morning.
As followers of Christ we try our best to hear God, yet we miss it more often than we'd like to admit. When we believe we have heard from the Lord, there are some questions we can ask ourselves to help us discern whether it is God or our imagination.
• Is it consistent with Scripture? God will never tell you to do something that goes against His perfect, unchanging Word. If it is contrary to Scripture, you can be certain that it isn’t from the Lord.
• Does it fit with your identity in Christ? We are the children of God, who are being conformed into the likeness of Christ. If you feel led to do something that doesn’t reflect the image of Jesus, then you can be sure God hasn’t called you to do it.
Holy Spirit is given to us as our advocate/helper. He helps us to hear what our Father us saying to us individually. He is with us right now.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Have a wonderful day.
Mike and Daphne