Good morning.
Elijah was a man of great faith who believed what God told him. He spent time alone with the Lord and listened carefully to His words. And the prophet could boldly speak with authority because he knew and trusted the One who gave the message.
The Lord doesn’t speak to us in the same way that He spoke to the Old Testament prophets, but the process of receiving His message hasn’t changed. It begins with being alone in His presence and listening as He speaks through His Word.
But it shouldn’t end there. Spending time each day alone with God in His Word and in prayer, must not become a religious activity. We must listen as He speaks to our heart, believe what He says in Scripture, apply it to our lives, and then be ready to share it with others.
When God gives us an opportunity, do not be afraid to share His Word with others. The Father reveals His treasures to us so that we can share them with others.
"Preach (share) the word; be prepared in season and out of season ..." (2 Timothy 4:2)
Mike and Daphne