Good morning.
Abraham, like any one of us, had faults. He sinned. He made mistakes. Still, God loved him and accomplished great things through his life.
When the Lord spoke, Abraham listened. Just imagine what promises and blessings he would have missed if he’d failed to pay attention. Abraham’s conversations with God teach us what living by faith looks like:
• Listening to God. When we recognize God’s voice, we’ll have assurance about what to do and where to go.
• Obeying God shows we really trust Him, and each time we obey Him, our faith grows stronger.
• Depending on God. Human nature wants to be self-sufficient, but we desperately need God’s wisdom, strength, and help.
• Waiting on God. Our willingness to patiently let God move in His own time and in His own way reaps great blessings and prevents big messes.
• Acknowledging and learning from our failures. The Bible tells us that God exalts the humble.
As we take time to rest today, ask God to help you to trust Him, listen for His voice and to move forward in faith.
Despite our faults and failures, God loves us and works through every willing heart.
Mike and Daphne