Good morning.
Many people think God is only interested in our spiritual well-being. God is interested in every detail of our daily lives as well. We tend to divide life into categories, distinguishing between issues related to work, home, and faith. But our Father sees us as whole persons.
The Word of God stresses His commitment to every aspect of our lives. "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life ..." (2 Peter 1:3). We need never wonder if He can or wants to meet our needs. His kindness never ceases.
There is not a moment in the day when our lives separates into “sacred” and “secular” components. Our Father sees His children as whole people rather than physical beings with a spiritual life on the side.
We do ourselves in when we think God is interested solely in our spiritual needs. He has many kinds of blessings to offer. All we have to do is ask.
Have a great day.
Mike and Daphne