Good morning.
Many things can be mass produced; cars, furniture, plastic bottles, etc. Disciples / followers of Christ, however, can’t be mass produced. One-size-fits-all simply doesn’t work when trying to help people become more like Jesus.
Each of us has been uniquely wired by God. The Bible says, "You shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb" (Psalm 139:13 MSG).
A number of years ago our church presented a course, "SHAPE", written by Saddleback Church. SHAPE is an acrostic that describes our uniqueness:
• Spiritual gifts
• Heart (passions)
• Abilities
• Personality
• Experiences.
No one else in the world has the same mix of those five attributes as you do.
Our God-given SHAPE helps us identify where we can best serve the body of Christ, as well as how we worship, fellowship, how we reach out to our neighbours and community and how we grow.
Each of us is uniquely formed. God doesn't make cookie-cutter disciples. We all grow in different ways and at different rates.
Look for opportunities to grow in the unique way God has SHAPED you.
Mike and Daphne