Good morning.
Paul tells us to "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18) When we read these words we may well feel that this is easier said than done, especially when we are going through a tough time.
Looking at the life of Joseph (of technicolour dream coat fame) we can learn a lot about gratitude, how to give thanks for all things.
He had known only love and security until he was a teenager. His troubles began when his jealous older brothers threw him into a pit. Later he was imprisoned, robbed of everything but his faith. He must have endured some dark nights of the soul.
When Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers in Egypt and told them, “God sent me ahead of you to save lives” (Genesis 45:5). Those words reveal that when he looked back at every hardship, Joseph understood how the Lord had been at work. His response was not one of bitterness but of gratitude.
We do not know what our future holds, what God will use our "tough times" for. We do know that through it all He is with us and has a plan to use us to bring honour to Him.
Hang in there. He is with you.
Mike and Daphne