Good morning.
We are all faced with days that make us ask, "Is it worth it?" Paul tells us not to give up. To press on. Don't give up.
We, like Paul, must "press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14)
God could have just created us and taken us straight to heaven. But He wanted to test our faithfulness.
He gives us a few things, like opportunities and relationships, and puts them in our care. If we’re faithful with a little, then He can trust us with all of His riches, power, and glory for all of eternity in heaven. Our prize for fulfilling our calling will be to share everything that God has in heaven.
The Good News Translation of the Bible puts it like this: “Live the kind of life that pleases God, who calls you to share in his own Kingdom and glory” (1 Thessalonians 2:12 GNT).
Isn’t that an amazing promise? One day, God will share His Kingdom and His glory with us!
So we must make the most of our calling. Make our life count. Our eternity will be impacted by it.
Mike and Daphne